Business Continuity Awareness Week 2016

Business Continuity Awareness Week

Business Continuity Awareness Week 2016 (BCAW) is a global event designed to educate organisations on the importance of business continuity planning and resilience by sharing experiences, knowledge and best practices.

This year, Business Continuity Awareness Week will run from 16th – 20th May 2016, and celebrates the theme, “Return on Investment”.

The theme reminds us that, whilst it is obvious the benefits a Business Continuity Plan has in the event of a disruption, but consider the other advantages it may have.  For example, it could be that your insurance premiums are reduced (or not increased by as much!) as a result of having an effective business continuity plan; or by having a business continuity plan in place, and therefore being seen as a reliable supplier, it has won you extra business; or possibly the analysis of your organisation as part of the business continuity process has identified where efficiency savings could be made.

Whatever the reason, business continuity is not just an overhead, it is a necessary and prudent investment, and it is vital that we get this message across.

InConsult also recommends a range of activities to help raise awareness and improve the level of staff engagement in business continuity management:

  • Update key elements of your BCP including any contact directories
  • Ask Business Continuity Team Leaders to review and update their departmental plans
  • Hold Business Continuity Awareness Training for the Crisis Team and Business Continuity Team Leaders
  • Host a “Lunch and Learn” for all staff to outline key elements of your BCP\
  • Conduct a Business Continuity Exercise for the Crisis Management Team.  Download our Business Disruption Exercise Scenario ideas.

InConsult encourages all organisations to get involved in Business Continuity Awareness Week 2016.

Find out more about BCAW 2016 at the Business Continuity Institute’s website.

Remember that whatever you do, it’s all about keeping business continuity front of mind and staff aware of your organisations response strategy! Check out InConsult’s Business Continuity Management capabilities and services to find out how we can help you.