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Fraud & Financial Crime Prevention

No organisation is immune from fraud, corruption or financial crime.

Fraud, corruption and financial crimes such as money laundering can be perpetrated in many ways by customers, suppliers, contractors, employees, managers, executives, boards, or a combination of these.

Global studies and surveys consistently highlight that fraud, corruption, and financial crime are on the rise in terms of both quantity and the variety of schemes. Fraudsters are becoming smarter and more sophisticated.

The types of fraud vary from industry to industry and include credit card fraud, phishing, account takeover, forgery, smurfing, theft, false statements, false invoices, insider fraud, overcharging, counterfeiting, kiting, lapping, collusion, corruption, online banking fraud, deposit fraud, cheque fraud, and POS fraud.

Accusations and convictions of fraud can be devastating to a company’s reputation. Effective fraud, corruption, and financial crime control will save thousands of dollars and significantly reduce reputational risk.

"Corruption, embezzlement, fraud, these are all characteristics which exist everywhere.
It is regrettably the way human nature functions, whether we like it or not.
What successful economies do is keep it to a minimum"
- Alan Greenspan

Our Approach:

For fraud, corruption and financial crime, our consulting approach and methodology considers better practice standards, public sector guidelines and legislation relevant to the organisation including:

  • AS 8001-2021 Fraud and Corruption Control (pending revision)
  • ISO 37301: 2021 Compliance management systems
  • AS/ISO 37001-2019 Anti-Bribery Management Systems
  • Audit Office of NSW – Fraud Control Improvement Kit
  • Public Interest Disclosure Acts in various Australian states
  • State Corruption Commission guidelines e.g. ICAC, QCCC, IBAC
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006
  • Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC) guidelines

Our fraud, corruption and financial crime prevention services include:

Fraud Wise

Our structured Fraud & Corruption Control Framework development program includes framework design, policy update, control plans, risk assessments and training across the organisation.

Fraud & Corruption Health Check

An independent review of an organisation’s fraud and corruption management framework using Australian Standard AS8001 as a base line.


Analyse and present factual findings and recommendations to assist in resolving complaints quickly and fairly.

Anti-Money Laundering Program Audit

An independent review of your organisation’s Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) policies and practices.

Anti-Money Laundering Risk Assessments

We help our clients understand how terrorists and people who launder money could be taking advantage of vulnerabilities in their businesses.


Combines our accounting, auditing and investigative skills to analyse, interpret and present complex financial and business related issues such as fraud.

Benefits of Reducing Fraud, Corruption and Financial Crime

Read our case study to see the benefits of fraud, corruption and financial crime prevention services in practice 

MidCoast Council

InConsult’s Fraud & corruption health check and training raises fraud awareness for Council

Access Our Fraud and Corruption Publications

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