
Fraud & Corruption Awareness Training

fraud and corruption as80001

The Challenge

A key element of a better practice fraud and corruption management framework is employee awareness. In simple terms:

  • The organisation must communicate the fact that it will not tolerate fraud and corruption.
  • All staff, volunteers, contractors and suppliers must understand the ethical behaviours expected.
  • People must be encouraged to provide information when they suspect fraud or corruption is occurring.
  • Managers must be well trained and be aware of potential ‘red flags’.

How well do staff and managers understand your fraud and corruption framework, reporting procedures and their roles and responsibilities?

Course Objectives

One of the most important components of any effective fraud and corruption prevention program is fraud and corruption awareness training for your staff, managers and executive.

This course is designed around best practice standards including Australian Standard AS 8001 – Fraud and corruption control.

Course Outline

  • What is fraud and corruption?
  • What types of fraud and corruption risks can exist in your organization?
  • Why tackling fraud and corruption is important?
  • Fraud red flags – the early warning signs of potential fraud.
  • The characteristics of Typical Fraud Perpetrator and Characteristics to watch.
  • The role of effective internal controls in reducing fraud and corruption.

Course Benefits

This course will help:

  • Establish your organisation’s commitment to effective fraud and corruption control.
  • Improve people’s  awareness of fraud and corruption risks and highlights the importance of internal controls.
  • Help ensure that anti-fraud policies and reporting protocols are followed.
  • Improve the overall effectiveness of your fraud and corruption management framework.
  • Achieve one of the elements of best practice.
  • Can help mitigate fraud risks.

The course includes videos and case studies to make learning effective and memorable.

Course Delivery

The course is available as in-house training and can be modified to meet your specific organisational needs.

CPD Points

Participants can claim 2 hours CPD points. A certificate of attainment is issued upon completion.

Learn More

Would you like to know more about our range of training services and our fraud and corruption prevention capabilities? Contact us today.



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