Cyber Risk Management

As we increasingly become reliant on technology and store our most important asset (information) and private data on various technology platforms, we often neglect to think about the risks.

Cyber risk management is no longer a nice to have – it is essential. 

The loss of sensitive data or personal information, email scams and denial of services attacks are not accidents or bad luck, they are the result of sophisticated and well orchestrated cyber attacks by well-resourced criminals.

Despite spending millions of dollars on cyber security and other controls, a gap remains between preparedness and cyber threats with more and more cyber attack incidents reported daily.  Cyber risks can be misunderstood and often seen as just IT risks when in fact they are at the centre of the business strategy and impact all activities and stakeholders. 

Because technology itself is constantly changing, organisations need to maintain ongoing monitoring of their cyber risk framework to proactively mitigate cyber risk blind spots.

Our comprehensive, proactive and affordable range of cyber risk management services will help answer these questions.

Take some time to think about the following questions: 

  • What is the span of your current cyber risk exposure?
  • Are your insurance arrangements adequate?
  • Do you know where all your key information and/or data assets is stored?
  • Where are the weakest links in your network, assets and cyber security controls?
  • Is your cyber risk management governance framework aligned with your risk management framework and business continuity framework?
  • How confident are you in detecting, responding and managing a cyber attack?
Our comprehensive, proactive and affordable range of cyber risk management services will help answer these questions.

“We shouldn’t ask our customers to make a tradeoff between privacy and security.
We need to offer them the best of both. Ultimately, protecting someone else’s data protects all of us”
- Tim Cook

Our Approach

For Cyber Risk Management, our consulting approach and methodology considers better practice guidelines and standards relevant to the organisation including:

  • ISO 27001 Information technology — Security techniques — Information security management systems — Requirements
  • ISO 27031 Information technology — Security techniques — Guidelines for information and communications technology readiness for business continuity
  • The Essential Eight from the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC)
  • The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity standards, guidelines, best practices

In addition, we also consider industry specific compliance requirements relating to risk management. For example, for the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) regulated financial institutions, we ensure compliance with the designated risk management Prudential Standards and Guidelines:

  • CPS 234 Information Security
  • CPG 234 Information Security
  • CPG 235 Managing Data Risks

Our Cyber Risk Management Capabilities

While cyber risks are inevitable, resilience is a choice. Our range of services help you strengthen cyber resilience and include:

Cyber Security Gap Analysis

A comprehensive analysis using ground-breaking technology and our security experience to examine internal and/or external facing platform-agnostic risk factors, policy compliance statistics, and other leading risk indicators to provide you with your CSR score – a quantifiable security risk score for your organisation. We also offer penetration testing to further drive the importance of mitigating identified vulnerabilities.

Cyber Risk Governance
Framework Review

An independent and holistic review of your organisations cyber risk management framework and insurance arrangements against best practice standards, applicable regulations and maturity models to provide stakeholders with peace of mind.

Cyber Risk Governance
Framework Development

We will help you design an appropriate cyber risk management framework to help strengthen governance, culture, cyber security control environment and staff awareness to gain greater maturity. We will ensure your cyber risk policy and cyber incident response plans are aligned to the risk management framework, other response plans, risk appetite and tolerance. 

Third-Party Vendor Review and Cyber Risk Analysis

Using ground-breaking technology, we provide an in-depth review of Third-Party Vendors in an extensive effort to protect your extended enterprise. 

Cyber Risk Awareness Training and Internal Campaigns

If you already have policies and plans, our training will help you reinforce your organisation’s key cyber risk controls to reduce the likelihood of a cyber risk incident.

Phishing Campaigns

We can conduct spear phishing campaigns to evaluate staff behaviour on receipt of a socially engineered phishing email, sms and more. We analyse results and provide a report.

Cyber Incident Response

Select from a range of cyber attack scenarios to exercise your cyber incident response plan, find the gaps, iron out issues and be better prepared to respond.

Post-Cyber Incident Review

We can conduct a forensic review of a cyber incident.  Your stakeholders will want answers to – How did this occur? What went wrong? What can we learn? How do we ensure it doesn’t happen again? 

Crisis Team Familiarisation Training

Ensure the crisis management team required to oversee the implementation of the cyber incident response plan are familiar and confident with planned response procedures.

Information Security Audits

Information and cyber security assurance is often best attained by an independent audit of the framework. We are certified as cyber security auditors and can provide audit formats including ASAE 3150 long-form.  

CISO as a Service

We can provide Chief Information Security Officer services ad-hoc or routinely for organisation’s looking to fill a resource gap or supplement a security team with sound framework and governance support. Take advantage of our cyber security experience. 

General Cyber Advice

If your organisation has been compromised, if you read something online that raises questions, or if you simply want to learn more about cyber risk management, reach out to us. We are always happy to help organisations and better the widespread understanding of cyber risk.

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