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GUIDE: Third Party Risk Management

Strategies to Maximise Value And Minimise Risk

Today, it is hard to find a business that doesn’t have some form of dependency on another business and exposed to third party risk.  

Only recently have people begun to realise that working with third parties is just as important as listening to your customers.

This publication helps provide an insight into third party risks and provides real strategies that can be used to confidently address and manage the risks associated with your third parties and supply chain. We offer tips, templates and resources to help you stay ahead.

third party risk

What’s Inside

  • What is Third-Party Risk
  • The Risk and Rise of Third Parties
  • Third-Party Risk Landscape and Blind Spots
  • 15 Third-Party Red Flags
  • Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM)
  • Protecting the Value of Data 
  • The Vendor Management Lifecycle
  • Foundations of a Strong Third-Party Relationship
  • Third Parties and Business Continuity
  • TPRM Maturity

4 Free Templates

  • Vendor Cyber Risk Posture Report (Sample)
  • Third-Party Review Checklist
  • Express Cyber Risk Questionnaire
  • Cyber Security Questionnaire (for IT Vendors)

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