It has been nearly nine years since our inaugural Council-Wide Risk Management (CWRM) report in 2006. Our first, ground breaking survey concluded that most councils’ risk management efforts heavily focused on insurable risk areas and they needed to increase their attention towards non-insurable risks.

Since our first report, a number of significant events have occurred which confirmed our conclusion, namely investment losses experienced by some councils, the ICAC’s findings against former or current staff from 20 councils and questions over financial sustainability resulting in major structural reforms.

  • How far have NSW councils come since 2006?
  • What are the top 5 risks facing local government?
  • When implementing a formal risk management framework, what were the biggest challenges?
  • How often are risk registers reviewed and business continuity plans exercised?
  • What level of risk management maturity have councils achieved?

View the Press Release

Download the Executive Summary.

 CWRM 2015 Exec Summary

Read the article thanks to Council Manager Magazine.

 Council Manager CWRM Article – Nov 2014

Note: The detailed report is only available to participating councils.