Case Study

Pacific Link Housing


Pacific Link Housing (PLH) is a Not for Profit community housing provider managing approx. 900 properties in the Central Coast and Hunter regions.  In 2012 as part of PLH’s Strategic Growth plan, PLH made the decision to apply for Class 1 registration with the NSW Registrar of Community Housing which  required an extension of the Risk Management Plan to address the risks associated with planning and monitoring housing development projects, obtaining third party finance and meeting continuing financing obligations.

PLH engaged InConsult to help take stock of its existing risk management framework and take steps to improve any gaps to ensure the extension of the Risk Management Plan to addressed the risks associated with future planning and monitoring of housing development projects, obtaining third party finance and meeting continuing financing obligations.


InConsult conducted a Risk Management Health Check, a holistic review of  PLH’s risk management policy, strategy and framework covering risk management approach, methodology and responsibilities, risk management systems, procedures and reporting. The Health Check also reviewed PLH’s Risk Management Plan’s conformance and alignment with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk Management Principles and Guidelines and  the synergies between governance, compliance and internal audit.


Pacific Link Housing was successfully awarded a Class 1 Registration by the NSW Registrar of  Community Housing on March 2013 under the NSW Housing Act 2001 and the Housing Regulation ACT 2009.

PLH found the documentation provided by InConsult, including its report and recommendations, framework, risk appetite and policy “provided a very cogent, clearly understood basis for developing Pacific Link Housing’s risk framework, risk register and reporting going forward”.  In particular, the Risk Appetite statement, drafted by InConsult, following discussions with directors and management, very accurately reflected PLH’s values and was adopted, after due consideration, unaltered.

“Our Framework is now very comprehensive and effectively embeds the assessment, management and control of risk at all levels within our organisation, which was our key objective in commissioning our Risk Review.” – Daphne Wayland, Compliance Manager, Pacific Link Housing

Would you like to know more about our Risk Management services and capabilities? Contact us today.


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