Case Study

MidCoast Council


Already aware of the capabilities  of InConsult through a successful Internal Audit program, MidCoast Council recently had the opportunity to review  and assess  their needs surrounding  their Fraud and Corruption Prevention Framework.

Although MidCoast Council already had policy and draft strategy in place,Council’s Manager Corporate Planning and Governance, was eager for feedback on strengths and weaknesses, as well as direction on where to go next to raise awareness to the level of the current expected standard.


To gain a better understanding of areas potentially exposed to risk and the possible impacts of fraud, MidCoast Council took the proactive approach of engaging InConsult to conduct a Fraud Health Check across the organisation.

“MidCoast Council has a zero tolerance policy for Fraud and Corruption, by training and raising awareness we can equip staff with the tools they need to operate in a culture of trust.” – Phil Brennan,  Manager Corporate Planning and Governance.

An organisation with a strong and well communicated Fraud and Corruption Prevention Framework can have confidence in its staff to perform their duties out in the open with a solid understanding of their roles as risk owners.


Mr Brennan also commended InConsult on being “professional as always” and noted that the consultants involved had “a great ability to relate to staff and develop good relationships”.  Benefits of the Fraud Health Check and subsequent training by InConsult have been felt across the organisation. Managers and risk owners alike are more focused and aware.

“Whilst building our fraud and corruption prevention framework is still a work in progress, there is a general confidence at a senior level that the right action is being taken to establish a strong backbone throughout the organisation”.

Would you like to know more about our Fraud & Corruption Prevention services and capabilities? Contact us today.


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